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Lapis Brochure
(Lapis Home page PDF, 128 KB)

Information Sheet (Information page PDF, 56 KB)

Lodging, Restaurants, & Tourist Offices (Accommodations page PDF, 256 KB)

"At the Threshold of Psycho-Genesis" (published paper PDF, 232 KB)

"Numen of the Flesh" (published paper PDF, 228 KB)

"The Body and Movement in Analysis" (published paper PDF, 100 KB)










Lapis Retreat, www.lapisretreat.org

When an individual has been swept up into the world of symbolic mysteries, nothing comes of it; nothing can come of it, unless it has been associated with the earth, unless it has occurred when that individual was in the body…. Only if you first return to your body, to your earth, can individuation take place; only then does the thing become true.

C. G. Jung

Lapis is a vessel for intensive and embodied Jungian analytical work offered by Jungian Analyst, Cedrus Monte. Dreams, psychosomatic symptoms, complexes and other material from the unconscious are engaged in and through the body and movement. The body becomes an active, central and conscious participant in the alchemical analytic process.  (image from First Book of the Cabala Mineralis manuscript)

This one-to-one, body-centered analytical work is independent and self-contained; it is also for those who want to augment on-going psychoanalysis or other psychotherapeutic work. 

Lapis, Jungian, alchemical, retreat, body-centered, analysis, Switzerland, Cedrus Monte, analyst

Why does Lapis focus on the body and movement, and why is the body important in the analytical process? A more comprehensive explanation can be found here, and here but briefly described…

In the body, in movement, images from the unconscious awaken and quicken, taking on substance and life through the flesh. We become, in our physical being, the message and the meaning of the image from the unconscious: 

You dream of a door opening...
How is "a door opening" experienced
within you, as you?

Allowing the body to fully meet an image - from dreams, psychosomatic symptoms or other expressions of the unconscious - encourages a direct, non-verbal experience of what the image, the unconscious, is offering. Without the body, there is no felt experience. Authentic, deeply-felt experience is a primary medium for transformative change.

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Lapis was born out of a perceived longing and desire on the part of many to return, as Jung says, to "your body…your earth," and thereby retrieve one of the most precious resources one has for individual and collective healing.

Lapis was conceived out of a desire to focus on psychoanalytic work in more integrated and somatically aware ways - especially within the context of a rapidly shifting world whose very eco-body is in peril, reflecting the denial and neglect of our bodies…our earth.

If you are interested in Lapis and Cedrus Monte's work and would like more detailed information on arrangements, cost, etc., please click here or download the PDF version of the Information page (56 KB). Briefly, however, some salient points:

Image from

Neumarkt is the street where the studio is located. It was an important part of the city in medieval times.


Lapis movement studio on Neumarkt

Lapis movement studio on Neumarkt. Photo credit: Franklin Hunting


Fraumünster Abbey, Zurich

Painting on Fraumünster Abbey wall

swans on Lake Zurich

Lake Zurich

Lapis, Jungian, alchemical, retreat, body-centered, analysis, Switzerland, Cedrus Monte, analyst

Lapis, Jungian, alchemical, retreat, body-centered, analysis, Switzerland, Cedrus Monte, analystCedrus Monte, PhD dipl., Diplomate Jungian Analyst/Zurich, is originally from the San Francisco Bay Area.  She has lived in Switzerland for almost 20 years.  In addition to her training at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, she has studied and trained with many gifted teachers. Over a period of almost 30 years she has distilled the different approaches to yield her own way of working. She uses no prescribed "technique" in the body-centered analytical work.  As with traditional Jungian analysis, Cedrus Monte follows the analysand and what is offered by the unconscious. 

For a more complete overview of her work, please visit Cedrus Monte’s website.  There you will find current and past courses, as well as a curriculum vitae and more

Perhaps especially helpful would be to read three of her published papers: "At the Threshold of Psycho-Genesis" (PDF, 232 KB), "Numen of the Flesh "(PDF, 228 KB), and the recently published (2010) "The Body and Movement in Analysis" (PDF, 100 KB), the latter two being specifically about the body, working with the body, and the body in relation to Jungian analytical psychology.

Lapis, Jungian, alchemical, retreat, body-centered, analysis, Switzerland, Cedrus Monte, analyst

Final decisions about participating in Lapis will be made via personal contact on the phone if you live out of the country.

If you live within comfortable traveling distance from Zurich, it is always possible to come for a single, initial session. In this case, however, it may be necessary to wait a few weeks after this initial session in order to make a series of appointments in the intensive format as described above.

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Black Angel

perhaps an image of what I've called, the Somatic Sophia from the book Aurora Consurgens, created around 1420

Contact Information

Cedrus Monte

Lapis, Jungian, alchemical, retreat, body-centered, analysis, Switzerland, Cedrus Monte, analyst

The philosopher's stone
in Latin, lapis philosophorum
a legendary substance that could turn lead into gold
the longtime holy grail of Western alchemy


Header image: Alchemist at her furnace, fresco, Padua, circa 1380.
Untitled alchemical images on this page from Splendor Solis, 1535,
photograph of swans from Flickr.com slideshow for B & B Sheema 

Lapis Introduction | Information | Accommodations


Lapis, Jungian, alchemical, retreat, body-centered, analysis, Switzerland, Cedrus Monte, analyst

Download Menu: All Site Pages in Printer-Friendly Format

Lapis Brochure (Lapis Home page PDF, 128 KB)    

Information Sheet (Information page PDF, 56 KB)

Lodging, Restaurants, & Tourist Offices
(Accommodations page PDF, 256 KB)

"At the Threshold of Psycho-Genesis"      
(published paper PDF, 232 KB)

"Numen of the Flesh" (pub. paper PDF, 228 KB)  

"The Body and Movement in Analysis"
(published paper PDF, 100 KB)


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